How long to reach your goal ?

A new laptop, iPOD ? A new music system? new snow board? Your first bike? first car? When you set your goal in your mind, you can resist the temptation to buy it.Use our calculator, understand the terminology used in savings and taught your kids about savings goals.

 Children Savings Goal Motivate Calculator

An online kids saving goal reach calculator.


Download Savings Goals Template

Click Here to Download My Savings Goal PDF.

What are all the possible ways a young children earn money ?

Sometimes, the things you want cost more money than you have. What do you do?.Here are a few ideas to earn more money.

Help Your Parents & Earn Money

Check with your parents if you can help with any big projects around the house: cleaning or organizing the garage, basement, or attic.

Help Your Neighbors & Earn Money

Offer to help with grass-cutting, snow shoveling or leaf-raking. You can pull weeds, water lawns, or pick up branches during spring clean-up.Make flyers and drop them off at houses in your neighborhood.

Wash cars

Turn your driveway into a neighborhood car wash.

Dog-walking service

If you think, you are really responsible, you might offer to care for other people pets like lizards and birds while they are busy or away from home.

Sell unwanted items.

Check with your parents to sell used toys and clothes. sometimes it may be unused things.(Purchased but not used)

Festival Sale

Bake some cookies and brownies and sell them at events.

These are all small tips / ways to earn more money to reach your savings goal.