Earnings Per Share (or) Net Income Per Share Calculation

 (EPS) Earnings Per Share Calculator

This financial measure calculator that measures the amount of net income earned per share of stock outstanding.

Step by Step calculation

Earnings Per Share (EPS) Calculation Definition, Formulae

Earnings Per Share is the portion of a company's profit that is allocated to every individual share of the stock.

Our Calculator used the following formulas

1. If no preferred stock is outstanding

    Basic EPS = Net Income / Weighted Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding

2. If preferred stock is outstanding

    Basic EPS = (Net Income - Preferred Dividends) / Weighted Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding


Mymathtables.com has Net Income(I) during the year 2019 of $50,000 .

Since it is a small company, there are no preferred shares outstanding.

Mymathtables.com had 5,000 weighted average shares outstanding (or) Number of Shares Outstanding(S) during the year 2019.

Mymathtables.com EPS is calculated as follows:

EPS formula = ( Net Income(I) - Preferred Dividends (D) ) / Number of Shares Outstanding(S)

$10 = ( $50,000 - $0 ) / $5,000

This means that if Mymathtables.com distributed every dollar of income to its shareholders, each share would receive 10 dollars.