Twin Prime Calculator

This online tool will generate the twin prime numbers based on user inputs.



Twin primes between 1 and 200 are

{5 , 7 }

{11 , 13 }

{17 , 19 }

{29 , 31 }

{41 , 43 }

{59 , 61 }

{71 , 73 }

{101 , 103 }

{107 , 109 }

{137 , 139 }

{149 , 151 }

{179 , 181 }

{191 , 193 }

{197 , 199 }

What is Twin Prime Number ?

A twin prime is a prime number that that has a prime gap or difference of 2.

For example (41,43) - A twin prime numbers with prime difference of two.(43 - 41 = 2 )