Recommended Sleep Duration Time Chart for Male / Female / Children / Seniors

 Recommended Sleep Duration Times Chart

 normal sleep duration time chart Widely accepted by physicians.

Use our ⏰ Sleep cycle Calculator to estimate the best time for you to wake up and go to bed.

AgeRecommendedAppropriateNot recommended
Newborns 0-3 mths14 to 17 hrs11 to 13 hrs
18 to 19 hrs
Less than 11 hrs
More than 19 hrs
Infants 4-11 mths12 to 15 hrs10 to 11 hrs
16 to 18 hrs
Less than 10 hrs
More than 18 hrs
Toddlers 1-2 yrs11 to 14 hrs9 to 10 hrs
15 to 16 hrs
Less than 9 hrs
More than 16 hrs
Pre-schoolers 3-5 yrs10 to 13 hrs8 to 9 hrs
14 hrs
Less than 8 hrs
More than 14 hrs
Children 6-13 yrs9 to 11 hrs7 to 8 hrs
12 hrs
Less than 7 hrs
More than 12 hrs
Teens 14-17 yrs8 to 10 hrs7 hrs
11 hrs
Less than 7 hrs
More than 11 hrs
Youth 18-25 yrs7 to 9 hrs6 hrs
10 to 11 hrs
Less than 6 hrs
More than 11 hrs
Adults 26-64 yrs7 to 9 hrs6 hrs
10 hrs
Less than 6 hrs
More than 10 hrs
Seniors 65 yrs7 to 8 hrs5 to 6 hrs
9 hrs
Less than 5 hrs
More than 9 hrs

It is important to note that individual sleep needs may vary based on factors such as genetics, lifestyle, overall health, and individual preferences. Additionally, these are general recommendations, and some individuals may function well with slightly more or less sleep than the recommended range. It is essential to prioritize quality sleep to support overall health and well-being. If you have concerns about your sleep patterns or quality of sleep, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and advice.