Practice Fractions into Mixed Numbers

 An online exercise to convert the improper fractions into mixed numbers instantly along with calculator.

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Convert the following improper fraction into mixed numbers

Convert the improper fractions into mixed numbers :


Conversion of improper fractions and mixed fractions

Example :

Convert the improper fraction 53 to a mixed number.

53 is five-thirds. We know that three-thirds make a whole.

Therefore, five-thirds make a whole and two-thirds.

That is 53 = 1 23

Other Method :

Divide 5 by 3. We know that get quotient = 1 and remainder = 2.

The quotient 1 is the whole number of the mixed fraction.

The remainder 2 is the numerator of the mixed fraction.

The denominator remain as 3.

Therefore, 53 = 1 23