Practice Proper and Improper Fractions

 An online exercise to find proper and improper fractions instantly along with calculator.

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Identify whether the following fractions are proper or improper ?


Types of fractions

Proper and Improper fractions

This picture shows circle divided into 4 equal parts.

44 or four-quarters is a whole, or 1

What do we get if we add a quarter more to 44 ?

44 and 14 = 54

54 is a whole and a quarter or 1 14

Improper Fractions

Fractions such as 54in which the numerator is greater than the denominator are called Improper Fractions

Example :

65, 43, 73, 165 are improper fractions.

Proper Fractions

Fractions in which the numerator is less than the denominator are known as Proper Fractions

Example :

34, 612, 510, 79 are proper fractions.

Mixed Fractions

Fractions such as 1 14in which are a combination of whole numbers and fractions are called mixed fractions or Mixed numbers.

Unit Fractions

11, 12, 13, 14 are called unit fractions.In unit fractions, the numerator is 1

Seven kinds of fractions

The seven kinds of fractions are, proper fractions, improper fractions, mixed fractions, like fractions, unlike fractions, unit fractions and equivalent fractions.

Note :

If the numerator and denominator of a fraction are multiplied by the same number, its value doesnot change.