PEG Ratio Calculator

This finance tool is used to find the relationship between the price of a stock, the earnings generated per share and the growth rate.



P/E Ratio = Price per share Earnings per share

P/E Ratio = 793.9

P/E Ratio = 20.256

PEG = P/E RatioEarnings per Share Growth Rate

PEG = 20.25644

PEG = 0.46

How to calculate the P/E ratio

The price/earnings to growth ratio (PEG ratio) is a stock price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio divided by the growth rate of its earnings for a specified time period.

P/E Ratio = Price per share Earnings per share

PEG = P/E RatioEarnings per Share Growth Rate

Example :

Price per share = $67

Earnings per share = $2.9

Earnings per share growth = 28%

We can now calculate the PEG again

Price-earnings to growth = ($67 / $2.9) / 24%

PEG = 67/2.924 = 0.96