Corsi Advanced Statistic Calculator

Calculates the total number of shot attempts, missed shots and blocked shots by team and players in hockey game.

Step by Step calculation

How hockey Corsi calculation works

Corsi is also known as SAT or Shot Attempts.. In other words, Corsi is nothing but the total number of shot attempts (shots, missed shots and blocked shots).

Corsi is an advanced statistic used in the National Hockey League(NHL).

Formulas :

CF (SAT For) = Shots on Target For + Missed Shots For + Blocked Shots For

CA (SAT Against) = Shots on Target Against + Missed Shots Against + Blocked Shots Against

Corsi (also known as C+/- or SAT +/-) = CF - CA

CF% (SAT For %) = CF ÷ (CF + CA) × 100%

Shots for (TEAM) :

The total number of offensive shots on goal for the team.

Missed shots for (TEAM) :

The total number of offensive missed shots by the team.

Blocked shots for (TEAM) :

The total number of offensive blocked shots by the team.

Shots against (TEAM) :

The total number of defensive shots on goal against team.

Missed shots against (TEAM) :

The total number of defensive missed shots against team.

Blocked shots against (TEAM) :

The total number of defensive blocked shots against team.

Shots for (PLAYER) :

The total number of offensive shots by the team while player is on the ice .

Missed shots for (PLAYER) :

The total number of offensive missed shots by the team while player is on the ice.

Blocked shots for (PLAYER) :

The total number of offensive blocked shots by the team while player is on the ice.

Shots against (PLAYER) :

The total number of defensive shots against team while player is on the ice .

Missed shots against (PLAYER) :

The total number of defensive missed shots against team while player is on the ice.

Blocked shots against (PLAYER) :

The total number of defensive blocked shots against team while player is on the ice.