Kabaddi SD Calculation, Formulas

 Kabaddi Score Difference(SD) Calculator

An online kabaddi assesment tool to calculate the score difference (SD).

Step by Step calculation

Differential Score (or) Score Difference Formula

Score Difference (SD) for Team A = Points Scored by Team A - Points Scored by Team B

Score Difference (SD) for Team B = Points Scored by Team B - Points Scored by Team A

SD is the difference of total number of points scored by Team A and the total number of points scored by Team B

SD can be positive, negative or zero according to the score line.

If a match ends up in tie, then SD for both the teams will be zero.

Suppose Team A defeats Team B and the score line reads 34-28 then SD for Team A will be +6 and for Team B will be -6.

Similarly SD is calculated for the league round for each team.

Example: Score Difference (SD) calculated in the Leage Round for Each Team

RankTeamPWLDScore Difference
1Gujarat Fortunegiants22173211793
2U Mumba22155218986
3Dabang Delhi K.C.221192-168
4Puneri Paltan228122-4552
5Jaipur Pink Panthers226133-6943
6Haryana Steelers226142-9142

SD is beneficial when two teams attain same points after the end of league round, then the team with higher SD will advance for the next phase of game.(semifinals)