Passer QB Rating Calculator

Calculates the quarterbacks passer rating for AFL,CFL, NFL and NCAA.

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Passer Rating

Passer rating is also known as quarterback rating or QB rating or passing efficiency in college football.It is a measure of the performance of passers in football.

NFL(National Football League) and CFL(Canadian Football League) QB formula

a = ((completions ÷ passing attempts) - 0.3) × 5

b = ((passing yards ÷ passing attempts) - 3) × 0.25

c = (touchdown passes ÷ passing attempts) × 20

d = 2.375 - ((interceptions ÷ passing attempts) × 25)

If any of a, b, c, or d are less than 0, then they calculated as 0.

If any of a,b,c, or d are more than 2.375, then they are calculated as 2.375.

Passer Rating = ((a + b + c + d) ÷ 6) × 100

A perfect passer rating (158.3) requires at least A minimum rating (0.0) requires at best
77.5% completion percentage (31 completions in 40 attempts) 30.0% completion percentage
12.5 yards per attempt 3.0 yards per attempt
11.875% Touchdown / attempts (1 Touchdown/8.421 attempts) No touchdowns
No interceptions 9.5% Interceptions / attempts (1 Interceptions / 10.526 attempts)

NCAA(National Collegiate Athletic Association) QB Formula:

NCAA Passer Rating = ((8.4 × Passing Yards) + (330 × Touchdown Passes) + (100 × Number of Completions) - (200 × Interceptions)) ÷ Passing Attempts

AFL(Arena Football League) QB Formula:

a = ( ((completions ÷ passing attempts) × 100) - 30) ÷ 20)

b = ( ((touchdown passes ÷ passing attempts) × 100) ÷ (20 ÷ 3))

c = (9.5 - ((interceptions ÷ passing attempts) × 100)) ÷ 4

d = ((passing yards ÷ passing attempts) - 3) ÷ 4)

If any of a, b, c, or d are less than 0, then they calculated as 0.

If any of a, b, c and d can not be greater than 2.375 or less than zero.

AFL Passer Rating = (a + b + c + d) ÷ .06