Three Decimals Addition Problems with Answer

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Rules of Decimals

Addition and Subtraction

Step 1: Line up the decimal points.

Step 2: Put in zeros as placeholders, if necessary.

Step 3: Add or subtract.


Step 1- Line up the decimal points.

2.345 + 1.5

Step 2 - Put in zeros as placeholders

2.345 + 1.500

Add or subtract

2.345 + 1.500 = 3.845


Step 1: Multiply the numbers ignoring the decimals.

Step 2: Add the number of decimal digits in the original numbers.

Step 3: Move the decimal the same number of places to the left in your answer.


3.2 x 0.41 = ?

Step 1 - Multiply ignoring the decimal points

32 x 41 = 1312

Step 2 - Add the number of decimal digits in each of the original numbers: 3.2 has one decimal digit, and 0.41 has two decimal digits.

Therefore, the answer will have a total of three decimal digits

Step 3 - Move the decimal the same number of places to the left in your answer

1312 will become 1.312


Step 1: Shift the decimal to the right to make the divisor (outside number) a whole number.

Step 2: Move the decimal of the dividend (inside number) the same number of places to the right as the divisor. Add zeros, if needed.

Step 3: Place the decimal point in your answer directly above the new decimal point in the dividend.

Decimal Fractions

To convert a number from fraction form to decimal form, simply divide the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number) of the fraction.


5 / 8 = (Add as many zeros as needed) = 5.000 / 8 = .625

Converting a decimal to a fraction

To change a decimal to a fraction, determine the place value of the last number in the decimal. This becomes the denominator. The decimal number becomes the numerator. Then reduce your answer.

Example: .625 - the 5 is in the thousandths column, therefore,

.625 = 625 / 1000 = reduces to 5 / 8

Note: Your denominator will have the same number of zeros as there are decimal digits in the decimal number you started with - .625 has three decimal digits so the denominator will have three zeros.

Order of Operations

When more than one operation is to be performed in a problem, a specific order for solving the problem must be followed.

1. Solve anything in parentheses first

2. Solve anything with an exponent

Example: 52 - the 2 is the exponent; it means the number times itself that many times, so 52 = 5 x 5 = 25

3. Multiply/Divide from left to right in order

4. Add/Subtract from left to right in order

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