Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Calculator

It is an online tool for tax calculation and used to calculate long term capital gains and short term capital gains based on sales price, purchase price, commission, federal tax rate.



Commission Paid ($) = 0.00

Capital Gain TypeShort-termLong-term
Tax Owed ($)690.00600.00
Gain After Tax ($)2,310.002,400.00
Net After Sale ($):7,310.007,400.00

Capital Gains Tax Formula

A capital gains tax is a tax on the growth in value of investments incurred when individuals and corporations sell those investments.

Short-Term Capital Gains Tax applies to assets held for a year or less, and are taxed as ordinary income.

Capital Gains Tax = Capital Gain × Tax Bracket

Total Profit = Capital Gain - Capital Gains Tax

Long-Term Capital Gains Tax is a tax applied to profits from the sale of assets held for more than a year. The rates are 0%, 15%, or 20%, based on your tax bracket.

Capital Gains = Selling Price - Cost Basis

Capital Gains Tax = Capital Gain × Tax Bracket

Terminology Used in CGT :

Purchase Price/Cost Basis is Investment Amount.

Sale Price is Total value of the investment at Sale.

Commission is payment to dispose of the asset.

Federal Short-Term Capital Gains Rate(%) is tax pay on a short term investment at the federal level.

Federal Long-Term Capital Gains Rate(%) is tax pay on a long term investment at the federal level.

State & Local Short-Term Capital Gains Rate (%) is tax pay on a short term investment at the state level.

State and Local Long-Term Capital Gains Rate(%) is tax pay on a long term investment at the state level.