Arctan Calculator with Tables & Formulas , Definitions (Inverse Tangent)

 Arctan Formulas Tables Calculator

An online Arctan calculator along with formulas and tables.


Arctangent table

y x = arctan(y)
degrees radians
-1.732050808 -60° -π/3
-1 -45° -π/4
-0.577350269 -30° -π/6
0 0
0.577350269 30° π/6
1 45° π/4
1.732050808 60° π/3

What is the arctangent of 0 ?

arctan 0 = ?

The arctangent is the inverse tangent function.

Since, tan 0 = tan 0º = 0

The arctangent of 0 is equal to the inverse tangent function of 0, which is equal to 0 radians or 0 degrees:

arctan 0 = tan-1 0 = 0 rad = 0º

What is the arctangent of 1 ?

arctan 1 = ?

The arctangent is the inverse tangent function.

Since, tan π/4 = tan 45º = 1

The arctangent of 1 is equal to the inverse tangent function of 1, which is equal to π/4 radians or 45 degrees:

arctan 1 = tan-1 1 = π/4 rad = 45º

What is the arctangent of 2 ?

arctan 2 = ?

The arctangent is the inverse tangent function.

Since, tan 1.107 = tan 63.435º = 2

The arctangent of 2 is equal to the inverse tangent function of 2, which is equal to 1.107 radians or 63.435 degrees:

arctan 2 = tan-1 2 = 1.107 rad = 63.435º

Arctan of infinity

What is the arctangent of infinity and minus infinity?

arctan(∞) = ?

The arctangent is the inverse tangent function.

The limit of arctangent of x when x is approaching infinity is equal to pi/2 radians or 90 degrees:

The limit of arctangent of x when x is approaching minus infinity is equal to -pi/2 radians or -90 degrees:

Derivative of arctan

What is the derivative of the arctangent function of x?

The derivative of the arctangent function of x is equal to 1 divided by (1+x2)

Integral of arctan

What is the integral of the arctangent function of x?

The indefinite integral of the arctangent function of x is:

Arctan graph

Graph of arctangent of x:

What is the sine of arctan(x)

sin( arctan(x) ) = ?

The sine of the arctangent of x is:

What is the cosine of arctan(x)

cos( arctan(x) ) = ?

The cosine of the arctangent of x is: